Meet the Macdonald's Home Health Care Team

The  Macdonald’s Home Health Care team pride ourselves on our knowledge and experience of Home Health Care and are sincere in our desire to assist you in solving your special health care needs. We are proud of our reputation for excellence and service, and we intend to keep it.

Here is some more information about our dedicated, empathetic and hardworking team.

Vancouver Team

Patrick Zuccaro

Ninja - Co-Founder





Looks after:

Vision, Tone and Culture


Patrick has been in the industry since 2008 by starting out installing, servicing and selling equipment out of a retail store. Him and Evan, who are high school sweethearts, started out in the industry at the same time and worked hard to create a name for themselves by showing up on time and being responsive. It worked! Patrick bought the company in 2016 and has continued to grow the business with Evan. He loves what he does and enjoys the industry that we are in because we get to operate a company that helps people increase their quality of life.

In his spare time, he loves to hang out with his family, mountain bike, snowboard, access the backcountry and generally shred the gnar!


Telephone: 604.872.5496 xt 102

Evan Kellett

Not a Ninja - Co-Founder


Not a Ninja

Looks After:

Sales Vision  & Team


Evan graduated from Simon Fraser University with a Bachelor’s Degree in Kinesiology in 2005. He also holds certificates in Active Health and Nutrition. He has been working at Macdonald’s Home Health Care as a Rehab Consultant and Sales Manager since 2008 and has been instrumental in the success and growth of the company. Having transitioned into an Executive Leadership role, Evan remains focused on creating great client outcomes and cementing Macdonald’s reputation as an industry leader.

In his spare time, Evan enjoys camping with his wife and two children. He is also very involved with youth athletics as a volleyball coach and Director of one of the largest volleyball clubs in BC.

What do you love about your job/role at Macdonald’s?:

I love that we get to do something every day to positively impact the lives of the people we work with!

Fun Fact:

As a child, Evan once got to crawl through the log into Fred Penner’s set at the CBC studio!



Telephone: 604.872.5496 xt 101

Scott Cooke

Head of Finance


Head of Finance


….. You guessed it Finance!


Professionally, my 20 year career has been split between commercial banking and home health care financial leadership.  Shortly after Y2K, I began my professional career as a commercial banking with RBC and in 2005 moved over to Vancity continuing my commercial banking career.  In the Credit Crunch of 2008, I left commercial banking to lead the finances of group of companies in the long term care & home health care field.  Fast forward to the COVID-19 Pandemic of 2020 and my career path has landed me with Macdonald’s Home Health Care.  With nearly 20 years of commercial finance experience including 11 years in home health I am confident my knowledge and experience will help steward MHHC’s growth moving forward.

On a personal note, my wife and I have three active boys and a dog so there is always lots going on at home.  In my spare time, I enjoy getting outside running, biking and swimming in an effort to be fit, calm and keep up with them.

What do you love about your job/role at Macdonald’s?:

After meeting the team I knew I was joining a fun hard working group and that excites me.  Additionally, I take pride in knowing that the products and services we provide make a positive difference in peoples lives.

Fun fact:

My favourite word is Funder.


Telephone: 604.872.5496 xt 10

Kirsty Buchanan

Head of People & Performance


Head of People & Performance


People & Performance


Part of our remote team I live in Glasgow in the UK which is just as rainy as Vancouver!

I have worked in the tourism and events industry for the past ten years and love to explore new cities and cuisines.

What do you love about your job/role at Macdonald’s?:

I love our team, everyday is a new and exciting challenge! It is amazing that what I do everyday contributes to supporting our team to improve comfort and mobility for our clients.

Fun fact: 

I love turtles! I had a giant african sulcata  tortoise and an ornate box turtle growing up, Bob & Stumpy!


Telephone: 604.872.5496

Sir Frankie Brown Eyes the 1st

Head of Barketing

As  Head of Barketing, Frankie (for short), focuses most of his time on barking at the most inappropriate of times. Usually, this takes place when Evan is on a very important phone call. This is Frankie’s first job and at 6 old he is doing well within his job description. Between barking and extra long naps, he lacks the time it takes to become a more productive employee but he’s extremely cute so we are going to keep him around.


Daniel Uren

Service Manager


Service Manager



What do you love about your job/role at Macdonald’s?: 

Being able to go out in our communities and help people improve their way of life. Plus the added bonus of seeing all the fur babies.

Fun fact: 

I play the bagpipes


Telephone: 778.379.5496 xt 4

Dee Morse

Customer Service Manager


Customer Service Manager


Customer Service

What do you love about your job/role at Macdonald’s?:

Working with a team of absolute legends to improve the quality of life for people with unique mobility needs across the lower mainland.

Fun fact about you:

I’m a recent transplant from the east coast and am available to translate Newfoundland and Cape Breton English for a nominal fee.


Telephone: 604.872.5496

Heather Thornburn

Business Administrator


Business Administrator



What do you love about your job/role at Macdonald’s?:

Being able to apply my years of experience to the everyday running of the company, and all the fantastic people I get to work with. Having the chance to make someone’s life easier when they’re going through some of the most difficult situations anyone ever has to in life.

Fun fact:

Every day I strive to make at least one person smile or better yet, laugh.


Telephone: 604.872.5496 xt 103

Yanfan Chung

Sales Coordinator


Sales Coordinator



What do you love about your job/role at Macdonald’s?:

What I like best about my job is that one of my primary responsibilities involves interacting with customers; e.g OTs, PTs, Individual, Patients, Hospitals, LTC and at the same time with employees on all different levels of the organization and across all functional areas. I love that I get to learn new things about the company/business/market everyday.

I love that I have a great degree of control and freedom within my job. My bosses trust me to produce high-quality work and results. I work hard to maintain that level of trust, which keeps me engaged and excited. I feel that I am bringing the various skills and experiences acquired in the Oil & Gas Industry to MacDonalds Organisation and this has had a positive contribution to the bottom line of the company. I will be excited to contribute further to its  current expansion.

Fun fact :

I am fond of French pastries with a French latte…


Telephone: 604.872.5496 xt 109

Andrew Kucher

Senior Seating & Mobility Consultant


Senior Seating and Mobility Consultant



Fun fact:

In his spare time Andrew enjoys mountain biking, snowboarding, and hockey along with working on cars.


Telephone: 604.872.5496 xt 106

Dan Walters

Senior Service Technician


Senior Service Technician



What do you love about your job/role at Macdonald’s?:

I love being able to help people regain their independence & freedom through the maintenance and repair of their mobility equipment.

Fun fact:

I can be found hiking around lakes and playing loud rock and roll music in my spare time.


Telephone: 604.872.5496 xt 4

Richard Lopez

Service Technician

Position :

Service Technician





What do you love about your job/role at Macdonald’s?:

Helping people get their source of transportation mobile again

Fun fact about you:

Always serious (never)

Teo Tungul

Warehouse Management


Telephone: 604.872.5496

Alan Drake

Installation Technician


Installation Technician



What do you love about your job/role at Macdonald’s?:

I enjoy working with our clients, helping deliver their equipment with technical on-site support.
I also like to answer any questions about our products and services to put any client concerns at ease.

Fun fact:

I love mountain biking, running, photography and building fun projects with wood and electronics.


Telephone: 604.872.5496 ext 4

Pat McClelland

Warehouse Technician


Warehouse/Set Up Technician



What do you love about your job/role at Macdonald’s?:

The opportunity to work in different environments daily as well as interact and get to know people from all walks of life.

Fun fact :

I love hiking in North Vancouver and ruin it all by eating cheesecake after


Telephone: 604.872.5496 xt 4

Claire Bagnall

Customer Service Coordinator


Customer Service Coordinator


Customer service

What do you love about your job/role at Macdonald’s?:

I love my job because I get the opportunity to meet loads of different people, and there’s never a boring day! It’s a rewarding job as I get to help people everyday.

Fun fact:

I moved here from Ireland in January 2022 and love it so much here I might never go home!


Telephone: 604.872.5496 xt 2

Amanda Cameron

Sales Administrator



Burnaby Team

James Cooper


Position: Partner/General Manager



What do you love about your job:

Innovation – finding unique solutions to individuals specific rehab equipment needs.  Being surrounded by a great bunch of people at work everyday.

Fun fact:

I quite enjoy joking about my own hairloss.


Telephone: 778-379-5496

Nathan Buskell

Custom Service Technician


Custom Service Technician



What do you love about your job/role at Macdonald’s?:

The opportunity to think of creative solutions for my clients that will better their quality of life, often by making things more convenient, comfortable, functional, or all of the above.

Fun fact about you:

I have been a Maker since I was 6, long before the term was coined.


Telephone: 778-379-5496 xt 4

Anton Cherevko

Service Technician


Service Technician

What do you love about your job/role at Macdonald’s?:

The ability to help people with my skills and knowledge of equipment, as well as the amazing team that I get to work with on a daily basis!


Fun fact about you:

I’m a big fan of music and even make music in my free time!

David Williams

Seating & Mobility Consultant


Seating & Mobility Consultant


Sales (and Liverpool FC)

What do you love about your job/role at Macdonald’s?:

It’s super rewarding working with clients and being creative to come up with solutions that have a positive impact. We have an awesome motley crew in Burnaby, the Vancouver team seems pretty good too… I get to drive the dopest van in town.

Fun fact about you:

I make a mean gluten free, goat cheese, grassfed beef and lamb lasagne. Not for purests.


Telephone: 604.872.5496

Luke Rawle

Seating & Mobility Consultant


Telephone: 778.379.5496

Paul Jarvie

Seating & Mobility Consultant


Seating and Mobility Consultant



What do you love about your job/role at Macdonald’s?:

The opportunity to help people become more independent and improve their quality of life. We have a team of very knowledgeable and caring individuals, who are here to help each other out, and find the best solutions for our customers.

Fun fact:

I was in a Samsung commercial!


Telephone: 778.955,3593

Complex Rehab Team

Anthony Purcell



Telephone: 604.872.5496

Erik Hagreen



Telephone: 604.872.5496

Tim Daigle

Service Technician

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